Update: February 3, 2025

I think I might be dyslexic or something.  After writing the recent article about GMO crops I thought I was very careful to read it over for errors, but I found that there was still a lot of typos in it afterward for some reason.

I just found that listening to the computer read the text out loud is a great way to catch such errors, so I’ll be doing that more for now on.

It’s a very interesting article, I recommend looking at it.


I’ve still been having problems with the NOITV search engine submissions, in particular with Microsoft’s “Bing” site submitter.  Bing is used to submit to search engines such as DuckDuckGo, but for some reason it hasn’t been working well no matter what I’ve been trying.  Submitting the sitemaps to Google is working fine however.

Update: January 23, 2025

Lately I’ve been having a lot of problems with finding NOITV content on search engines.  I was using a rather outdated system for submitting the information to the search engines which I need to update, which I assume is the cause of the problems.

Perhaps the older system that I was using has finally been phased out.  I had been receiving warnings about it.  The site is about twenty years old!  I will try to clear up the issue soon.

Also I want to implement a good quality in-website search feature.  I always put that off in favor of focusing on other development tasks.

I’m annoyed that the audio clips are not online, they contain a lot of great content.  At least with most of them I wrote detailed descriptions.

Update: December 15, 2024

I think the new batch of articles about Canada are interesting.  I got a much more detailed with it than I was planning to.

Many people might at first think the article about Canada becoming a part of the U.S. is a lot of hubris, but if they actually read it I think many would change their minds and agree.  The political Establishment does not want people thinking of the United States as the standard of freedom that it actually is.

I also just fixed the image of North America on the article to get the top of it right.

I saw this Wikipedia article about “far right politics,” where the authors bend over backward to try to claim that “right wing” means “fascism and Nazis,” rather than correctly labeling fascists and Nazis as leftists!  The political Establishment is doing all that it can to make people be misinformed about that, especially Europeans.  See this article that clarifies that issue.

Update: December 5, 2024

I wish I would have posted the October 7 inside job video sooner.  I first came across it when I posted the other John Hankey video about JFK jr, and it sort of slipped through the cracks since then.

I notice that the documentary was first posted on the internet eight months ago!  I think there are probably people who were frustrated that wasn’t posting that.  I wonder if that video or at least the topic was common knowledge within the situation anyway.

I don’t really have any input from anybody in the meantime, so sometimes I miss things such as that.  I often talk about how there can’t be “voting” in my organizations, but of course I’m interested in what people think and I’m looking forward to the resolution so that can happen.  For example it will also be great to have other sets of eyes looking at articles for proofreading, etc, before they are posted.

Update: November 25, 2024

I got the videos for the alternative cancer treatments back online, and I think the new article about definitively determining the effectiveness of alternative cancer treatments is an important one.  It is important to read all of it and see the supporting information if possible.

I’m sorry I should have replaced those videos sooner.  When YouTube took my channel down a few years ago I hadn’t made a local copy of the clip that explains the mechanism of how Nitrilosides work.

I think the idea of having a “contest” to see who could replicate Dr. Dean Burk’s results under a microscope is a good one.  I’m not a trained biologist though so I don’t really know how to specifically set up such a study.  In some ways I think it is similar to the federalizing voting standards issue and others where the resolution really needs to happen in order for real progress to be made with it.

Also as I mentioned before the audio-only clips on NOITV are no longer online.  That is because they were locally hosted files and thus they were a cause of the server being overloaded due to an apparent DOS attack, so I plan to convert them into video files and host them remotely just like any other videos.  It is a shame that those clips are down in the meantime though.

I was also developing a system of having the videos be mirrored locally where they could be viewed if a person logged in first, but I got distracted with other technical tasks and didn’t finish the logging in part even though the local hosting is currently possible.  So a few videos here and there on the site have also been taken down for that reason, but I have replaced most of them remotely.

It is interesting to see what is happening with Trump’s administration.  It’s all pretty weird and I think his focus on putting a lot of extreme Zionist war hawks in place is concerning.  Nonetheless he is much preferable to what a Harris administration would have been, and she would have done the same with appointing such types of hawks anyway.

Update: November 15, 2024

I’ve added information to the Illuminati summary article about Hitler being a Freemason.  It is a great fit, I should have done that a long time ago.  I actually had to add the information to the article manually which was a bit of a hassle to do since there are aspects of the system that I still need to get back online.

I’m so relieved that Trump won.  But remember that all presidents are required to do as they are told to do by the global elite.  If he decided to steer too much of an independent course they would do whatever they needed to do to harm him, so people should remember that and base their activist activity on that assumption.  Being an activist is foreign to most conservatives, they should realize that they need to do more than only just vote for a Republican.

I definitely don’t like the ridiculous way that Trump communicates however, among other issues.  I think Trump nominating Matt Gaetz to the post of Attorney General is ridiculous for example, and of course he is not going to be confirmed for that position.  See this article that I wrote a few years ago about an issue with Gaetz.  Apparently the political Establishment nominated him as a favor to the leftist opposition to give them something to complain about in the meantime, in order to help continue propping up a phony perception that they are relevant and legitimate.

Notice that an enormous benefit of Trump being president is that the media goes berserk over even the smallest little issue with him, whereas Biden was given a pass for absolutely anything he did no matter how dishonest and evil it was.

What the mainstream media is not reporting however is that there are concerns about Trump appointing a lot of Zionist extremist war hawks to his administration.  Many people are under the impression that Trump must be some sort of an antisemite due to the way that the media portrays him, but in fact that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  In the meantime the political Establishment is bending over backwards to do whatever it can to try to create a phony impression that Nazism is at the doorstep.

I wish I knew what was actually going on in the situation so I could better gauge how the information that I’m communicating is interpreted.  Most people seem positive in any event.

Update: September 13, 2024

I’ve been keeping busy with things, where I’ve been working mostly on technical issues, but also I’ve created some new content as you can see.

The next opportunity for the resolution to happen is in early October, so I’m planning my work based on that.  It’s a shame that the resolution hasn’t happened yet due to it getting so close the the election, but nonetheless the criteria for it needs to be the same.

I’m been having a few issues when I’ve been out and about, for example I got my bike repaired and they charged me $86.66 for example, which is pretty creepy.  I don’t know if they are actually “on my side” or whatever but until the resolution happens I don’t have any choice but to presume that they are not.

Another situation also happened recently in another establishment that I had an appointment at which was concerning, and again I’m wondering if they were “trying to help me” or not.

As I’ve always said the resolution not happening is a dangerous waste of time.  The information that I communicate is so relevant and laser-accurate and that adversaries of it don’t have any choice but to resort to dirty tricks.  It’s a concerning situation in general since people could tweak videos of me and situations to appear however they want.  Even people who actually even like me could theoretically be coerced into not having any choice but to slander me, such as through being blackmailed for example.  It’s really an insanely dangerous situation even though most people seem to be supportive.

More about the upcoming resolution

There is one more thing about the upcoming resolution that I forgot to mention which I assume most people know.  It should happen on a “7” day, so that would be either a few days from now or about a week after that.  I know that I said that numerology shouldn’t matter, but that is a way to coordinate when it should happen.

After the resolution happens I’m going to abandon paying attention to the numerology of things altogether, and good riddance with that.

The resolution should also not happen based on any numerology of numbers that I get when I go shopping, as I have explained that no longer matters some years ago, and in fact I make a point never to go shopping on those days.

One of the reasons why I don’t want the shopping numbers to decide the resolution is because there is potential for interference with that in any number of ways, ranging from simple technical tampering to even tampering by people who know how to employ occultist techniques to do so, as strange as that may sound.

Like I’ve mentioned before, for whatever reason, the amounts that I get generally consistently oscillates between being very “negative” to being very “positive” and back again from a numerology perspective, even though nothing in my spiritual practices changes between those times.  Even if I were to get a “good” numerology numbers to make the resolution happen, bad ones would only happen again for no good reason as far as I could see, etc.

Most importantly I think it would actually be horrible for the resolution to happen based on shopping amounts because it would create an uncomfortable impression that I’m someone that I’m not.  I consider myself to be a “5” who strives to be a “7” and often achieves that.  I’m a pretty good guy with good qualities, but I’m not really special other than the out of the ordinary circumstances that I’ve had to deal with.

I think people who have rather petty and judgmental types of mentalities would continue to insist that the amounts I get when shopping would have to be “positive” for the resolution to happen. Those people should just choose not to be involved.

I’m being productive working on things and I’ll be prepared for the resolution to happen during those upcoming days.  I hope all is well.

Update: August 3, 2024

I’ve recently been in a cycle of fasting for a week and getting slim, then buying a lot of good food but eating too much of it too quickly and getting a bit chubby again.  Now that I’m mostly out of food I’m tempted to fast again, but I think that would be a shame because it is getting close to the end of the growing season for some things.

My weight doesn’t change so much when I’m in more of a set routine, but I’m being productive so it is ok.

I’ve been drinking a lot of watermelons and eating a lot of corn, for example.  Like I’ve mentioned in the past I think if more people only knew to cut the kernels off of corn cobs to put it into their salads and into other dishes the sale of corn would be twice as much or even more than that, and also it would be made more available year-round.  (I don’t know why people explain doing that in a way that is more complicated than it needs to be such as this article, rather you can do it the way it is explained in this video.)

I like traditional boiled corn on the cob also though.  I recently bought some corn-shaped dishes that are made for marinating the cobs and holders for the cobs.  The water that is used to boil the corn also makes green smoothies taste even better.

I think it is weird how there is somewhat of an “anti-corn” movement where people claim that it is “unhealthy for your gut,” etc.  I’ve never had any problems with it.

I’ve gotten into the routine of being able to juice an entire watermelon quickly using a serrated knife and a cheap blender.  (That’s me by the way.  j/k)  Sometimes I see variations of recipes for watermelon juice but I’ve never tasted anything as good as simply blending it as it is.

I’m surprised that watermelons are not more popular also.  I think some of that is because of the social aspect of it being used as racist stereotypes in the 19th and 20th centuries in the U.S., which was particularly insidious because many African Americans were working outside in the heat then where the watermelons would be a welcome break, especially before electricity and refrigeration.  I think if I were black I would make it a point to buy them because why let that continue to deprive you of that now.

Update: July 31, 2024

I recommend seeing the Endgame video segments in the recent NOITV article and reading the summary of the book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy.”  I’ve also added a link to the summary of the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline.”

I noticed that the video “The Capitalist Conspiracy” was taken down, so I have replaced that, and I have additionally updated the formatting of the text in the book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” to put its quotes in bold text, and I have updated the Green New Deal video in the Joe Biden article.

Those pieces of information are all good introductions to understanding who the global elite are and what their agendas are.  Also see all of the content that is linked to in this summary article.

I’ve been working on a lot of technical issues in the meantime.  I still need to get the foundational NOITV system fully running again, which will be a few days of work but it is no problem even if the resolution happens before then.  In the meantime I have been using the remote updating aspects of NOITV for creating the new articles, and making changes to previously existing pages manually when I need to do so.  That is why the underlying NOITV summary articles have not been updated in a while.

There are always more technical things that I can be working on, and I have been focusing my work on making sure that as much of it will be able to be delegated as possible.  Also I will be able to delegate the creation of articles almost immediately after the resolution happens.  I’m very well set up with my systems.

I hope all is well.

Update: July 30, 2024

I’m curious as to why the resolution hasn’t happened yet.  I hope it will happen soon.  The reason why I think it will still happen is because I haven’t been seeing any sorts of organizations doing such a thing without me, although perhaps that actually might be happening and I just don’t know about it.

In any event the resolution needs to happen soon.  If it doesn’t happen, the following things should occur:

1. People in the situation who fit the criteria of who can bring the resolution should circumvent the requests of whoever is running the situation in order to make the resolution happen, assuming the people who are running the situation are asking people not to bring the resolution any time soon.  (Remember the criteria is one person only, a male, someone who I know well, someone who is well-informed about the situation, and someone who I have not met in Florida.)

2. If somehow step #1 is blocked from happening or it just doesn’t happen, then people should just go over my head and start configuring things for themselves with the understanding that I can’t ever be involved with it, due to the blockage for whatever reason being so insurmountable that the resolution will never be allowed to happen in my case.  But it should be understood that I won’t ever be able to endorse those configurations either.  (Note of course that would be a very unfortunate situation.  I do want the resolution to happen and I’m confident that others want it to happen also, but the world is going down the toilet and things need to start happening soon if in fact it is not already too late.)

I think maybe the fact that I criticize Freemasonry might be a reason why the resolution hasn’t happened yet.  I realize that some good people are Freemasons, including people who are in professions that help people such as firemen and police for example, but nonetheless there are a lot of harmful aspects of the organization that most Masons are kept unaware of due to the compartmentalized and secretive nature of it.

I’ve never been a Freemason or a member of any group that is like it, and I’ve never taken any oaths of secrecy as many Masons are required to do.  I don’t think there is necessarily a big risk in criticizing Freemasonry, however I think there could be a risk for people if they have taken an oath not to do so, so I think perhaps that may be what is causing the delay with the resolution happening.

Due to such circumstances it is important that I first simply receive clarity so the proper decisions can be made.  People must each individually want to be involved with me and my organizations, and they must be able to be involved as well, and if for whatever reason they don’t want to be involved I will certainly respect their wishes.  Also of course there is no pressure for people who I have linked to in my sites to be involved if they don’t want to be.

I’ve never said for people not to do things for themselves if they want to, but rather I’ve always specified that people must never “recruit” by claiming that I will somehow be involved with such organizations or endorse them, which would be an impossible situation for me under the circumstances.  And of course I’ve always stressed that nobody should ever claim that they are organizing anything “for me” for obvious reasons.

About a new article on NOITV explaining who the global elite are

Remember that the global elite are both Jewish and non-Jewish at the top of the pyramid, since many of the key controlling families who have part ownership in the central banks are not Jewish, as this new article explains.

I value the information that I find on Henry Makow’s website, but I regret the divisive approach that he sometimes takes, for example he recently he has been posting an antisemitic cartoon meme image which I think is very counterproductive.  I will never take that approach with my websites.

I also notice that he has recently been posting images that say “Every single aspect of (this and that) is Jewish,” which I also think is counterproductive.  I don’t think there is anything wrong with identifying disproportionate Jewish involvement in political issues, however I disagree with saying “‘every single’ aspect of ..”

Most organized antisemitic activism is “a conspiracy of the global elite,” where the elite have been doing whatever they can to cause and organzine antisemitism for a variety of reasons, such as to deflect and avoid exposure due to antisemitism being unpalatable to most people.  They also exploit antisemitism for divisive purposes such as to frighten Jewish people into not criticizing Israel.  For example the elite control the often “pro-Hamas” activist groups that are criticizing Israel’s actions in the current Israel-Palestine conflict, as this video explains.

The global elite could have just as easily put any non-Jewish Freemasons into any of the roles that are “disproportionally Jewish,” however they seem to want to create the antisemitism that is caused by creating a perception of “all Jewish involvement,” which I think is certainly being done for the above mentioned reasons.

[But note that is not to say that there are not issues with Judaism and Israel, however.  Almost 70% of U.S. Jews are Democrats and thus they support open borders in the U.S.  The Jewish group the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (link, and link) has been involved with bringing in many of the migrants, including specifically bringing unvetted Islamists. (link)  Such advocates never support open borders for Israel, however.  (But note that there are also pro-open borders groups that are affiliated with other religions such as Christianity, as this link explains, and support for Israel and open borders in the U.S. is not universal among Jews, as this link explains.)

Many of the high ranking immigration officials in the Biden administration are Jewish such as Alejandro Mayorkas, however I believe that is intentional on the part of the political Establishment in order to distract and create animosity toward Jews among anti-open borders activists.

It should also be noted that most Republican politicians have as extreme of pro-Zionist views as Democrat politicians do if not worse, such as Lindsey Graham who literally espouses genocidal intent toward Palestinians while he also advocates to import hostile Islamists into the United States. (link and link)]

About issues with Judiasm

Some people may wonder why I don’t have a similar article that lays out issues with Judaism in the same manner as this article does about Islam, but I don’t see that as being as relevant since the issues with Judaism aren’t nearly as universal to its adherents as Islam’s issues are to its adherents.

For example, it is true that passages exist in Judaism’s Talmudic scripture that are opposed to non-Jews, however only a small amount of Jews actually take that seriously, whereas conformity to the harmful aspects of Islam are essentially required of all of its adherents and it is often even reinforced with intimidation and violence.

I suppose it could be argued that some of the Jewish leadership takes the extreme aspects of their scripture seriously, but not all of the global elite are Jewish.  I do think it is reasonable to say that almost all of the most high ranking members of the global elite engage in the same practices that are mostly based on a subset of occultic Jewish beliefs, but it is both Jewish and non-Jewish people who are involved in that.  The Stanley Kubrick movie “Eyes Wide Shut” is a good example of that.  Most Jewish people do not practice the extreme occultic beliefs that the global elite do, however.

So I think it is very counterproductive to blame “the Jews” or “Judaism” for problems when most accurately it should be said that it is the “occultic global elite” who are both Jewish and non-Jewish.  For example most of supposedly “Christian” or “Muslim” members of the global elite have the same occultic practices that the rest of the elite does, as this article explains.

Jewish people are fed up with the global elite just like everyone else is, but when activists over-generalize and blame “the Jews” for what is happening it shuts down criticism of what is happening, which is often strategically done by the elite through their infiltration of activist groups.

Update: June 23, 2024

I’m going to be focusing more on technical issues over the next week or two.

I think the article with the “Overview of America” video is an important one.  As I mentioned in the article, it would not be possible or even preferable to revert the U.S. back to how it was originally specified in the Constitution since the country has changed too much since then, but nonetheless it is important to understand the forces that are at work in order to stop the U.S. from sliding more to the left and into Communism.

I hope the resolution can happen soon.  I’m glad that I’ve always specified how that should happen in order to head off any potential problems.  Remember that I won’t be able to have voting in my organizations due to the circumstances of the situation, but I will always be interested in what people think.

I wonder if some people attempt to draw a parallel between the “Overview of America” video and how I want to configure my organizations, where some might be claiming that I must be some sort of a hypocrite because I’m saying that a “democratically elected constitutional republic” is the most ideal for the U.S. while at the same time I’m saying that I can’t have voting in my organizations.  However that would not be a legitimate comparison because a government of a county has unique requirements that other organizations do not have, specifically because it is only possible for one and only one government to exist that must accommodate everyone in the country.

An organization could exist which is a “democratically elected constitutional republic,” but that would still have all of the drawbacks of any sort of an organization where voting would happen.  Of course people will be able to “vote” with their decision to be involved or not with my organizations, however.

Update: June 10, 2024

I moved the recent FreedomToons video from NOITV to OMR, along with adding a new video there as well.  I will continue to update OMR for the time being and have it be more "opinionated / satire” oriented, while having NOITV continue to be more neutral in approach, at least for the time being.  I will continue to be moving key OMR articles over to NOITV as well.

The tame celebrity alligator “Wally” was stolen from his pen while he was sleeping and is now lost

[Note: I’ve seen news stories about this alligator in the past years (link and link, for example), it’s a shame that this happened to him and his owner.  A GoFundMe page exists to help support efforts to find him.]

A tame celebrity “emotional support alligator” named Wally was stolen from an enclosed pen while his owner was visiting a friend in Georgia, leading to the alligator being captured by authorities who released him into a swamp not realizing who he was.  The alligator was famous for loving to be around people, and he had never bitten anybody.

Some people stole Wally from his fenced outdoor enclosure in Brunswick, Georgia where he was sleeping between 4:30 am and 7:00 am, and they deposited him outside of someone’s home as some sort of a stupid prank, where the people in the house then called the authorities which led to the alligator being trapped and released in the wild.  Presumably the perpetrators knew who the alligator was when they took him.

The trapper said that he released the alligator into a very large swamp with 20 other alligators, and it would very difficult if not impossible to find him.  What is worse is that Wally would likely not be able to survive on his own due to being accustomed to being fed by people.

Wally’s owner Joie Henney made a TikTok video with a plea to help find him.

Wally’s Facebook page has been updating fans of the situation of Wally’s disappearance.  [Note however that I’m not able to read it because I don’t have a Facebook account, it is a shame that they don’t have a social media account with another service that lets non-members read it.]

About issues with the global elite being blamed on “the Jews”

Of course it is fine and important to criticize Israel, but it is only beneficial to do so in a way that is as accurate and palatable as possible.  Most Jewish people who are paying attention are also fed up with everything that is happening, however when blame is aimed at “the Jews” (implying “all” of them and “only” them) rather than the global elite it shuts down the criticism of what is happening, which has been one of the most significant reasons why the problems have become as bad as they have.

The global elite actually depend on anti-Semitism in order to avoid exposure, so they intentionally foment and organize it.  (For example, in my opinion that is why the intentionally “odious” Biden administration has put Jews in most key positions, when in fact it could have just as easily placed any non-Jewish Freemasons in those positions instead.)

It is true that many of the global elite are Jewish, but not all of them are and many live in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere.  Therefore the U.S. and EU could supposedly be considered to be as culpable as Israel is with the problems, but Israel is the country that is designated to take the blame.  (And actually no “country” is culpable, the same global elite control essentially all countries.)  See this article that I think explains the situation as accurately and fairly as possible.

Update: April 12, 2024

I’m having some technical issues with the Wordpress installation for this site, so I will be re-installing it soon.

In the meantime I have posted here this simple HTML approximation of the posts of the first page of this site, and I may add some additional posts here before the real site is running again.

Update: April 11, 2024 [updated April 12, 2024]

[Update: April 12, 2024— Actually perhaps my attitude in this post is too lenient.  There are all sorts of different types of mentalities in the world and all can have positive aspects even though some can be argued to also potentially have negative aspects.  For example if too many people adopt what could be called “overly individualistic” or even “selfish” mentalities (which perhaps I could be accused of), it would ultimately be bad for society.

It would not be good if everyone in society was any “single way,” but it would certainly be bad if “everyone” was in a particularly selfish mode.

Society does benefit from supposed “free thinkers,” but if that encroaches too much into adulterating proven effective conservative mentalities it will be very harmful, especially because that is being engineered to happen with malicious intent.

So actually the lenient attitude that I espoused in this post must be frustrating to some people.

It is frustrating to me that since the resolution hasn’t happened I don’t have real input of the perspective of other people, which is essential.  For example perhaps the concept that I’m explaining in this update has already become widespread among many people in the situation.  I certainly value what people think even though there won’t be “voting” in my organizations, so that is why it is important that the resolution happens first.]


I see that recreational marijuana may be legalized in Florida if it is voted for in November (link).  I know that is a divisive topic and many people are opposed to that, and I assume that a lot of people who agree with the information on my websites are opposed to the use of that.

I’ve smoked marijuana in the past, and I’ve never had any types of substance abuse problems.  I smoked it relatively recently also as people might even know.  Prior to recently it had been a long time since I’ve done that, but I never actually decided to stop doing it.

Recently in the past months I was trying to decide if I should smoke it or not within the situation.  I think I may have been somehow “expected” by some people out there to not do it, but I know that I will do it again in the future so I figured that I shouldn’t be a hypocrite and go ahead and do it.

I realize that many people have substance abuse problems and a lot of people know people who have substance abuse problems so they are very put off by the concept of using marijuana and often also alcohol, so I don’t really “advocate” for its recreational use even though I still do it sometimes.

Perhaps I should have just refused to do it and created an unspoken impression that I don’t smoke anymore while continuing to potentially do it in private now and then, but then there would be accusations of hypocrisy, etc..  And what then would the limits be to my acting like that?  Would I also have to act as if I’m opposed to drinking beer for example?

In any event I don’t like the thought that my sometimes using it could put off a lot of people who would like to be involved with my organizations.  I would definitely prefer to be discreet about it, but I don’t know the parameters of my situation in order to know where discretion can actually exist within it.  I rarely do it in any event.

As far as legally, I think it is a bad idea to legalize the recreational use of it, but rather there should be limits in place such as people needing a prescription to get it as apparently is the case now in Florida.  There should also be ordinances in place to ensure that it is as discreet as possible, for example I think towns should outlaw references to it on storefronts even if they are legally selling it to people with prescriptions.

I also think businesses and some professions should be allowed to discriminate based on drug use even if the employees have a prescription to use it (so perhaps instead of a “prescription” it could be a “permit”), and the penalties for driving when under the influence of drugs and alcohol should be severe.

I eventually would like to make an article that lists issues with the legality of it which fairly gives the arguments for the various viewpoints, and the article could also give a platform to the concept of the benefits of choosing not to use marijuana or any drugs and alcohol in any event.


Fasting works so well, I can’t recommend doing that enough.  When the week is finished I’m always ready to get going again with a more planned and healthy eating schedule.  This time I’m going to switch to a mostly raw food diet and likely stick with that for a while rather than fasting again in the following week as I was previously thinking about doing.

I suppose I shouldn’t really call what I’m doing “fasting” though because I’m not doing it properly enough due to my drinking coffee.  So instead perhaps I should just call it “not eating”..  I’m still losing about the same weight though, so I see value in what I’m doing anyway.  I wouldn’t recommend doing anything like that for longer than a week in any event.

I’ve recently figured out an excellent additional aspect to that which eases doing it quite a bit, where I make a “broth” in the microwave using water, balsamic vinegar, hot sauce, chili-lime seasoning, some salt, and even a bit of vegetable oil, which tastes exactly like a great vegetable soup.


It is very strange that the articles on the second page of this website have not been showing even though the articles still exist!  I’ve been too busy with other technical tasks to find why that is.


When I speak with people and they ask me what I do for a living, I simply say that I’m a “graphic designer” and I “work with computers,” which is not untrue.  I also say that I “work with clients” which is technically true.

I think in many cases people might be expecting me to mention my websites, but I don’t want to mention that because the resolution hasn’t happened yet, and I don’t want to have political discussions with people in the situation before that happens.  I’m sure that people understand but I do feel a bit deceitful by not mentioning the websites anyway.

Update: April 10, 2024

I’ll be getting back to posting on NOITV more consistently once I get some technical issues taken care of with that, which will happen this week.  There are also other types of projects that are away from the computer that I’m working on too.

I just saw this article that says Biden flew 33,000 migrants into NYC and 326,000 into Florida!  The article mentions the fact that the Texas governor Gregg Abbot was previously doing to same thing, and I remember some conservatives were ridiculous saying at the time, “That’ll teach those liberals!”— as if they thought it won’t eventually effect them also.

The fasting is going well, I’m more than halfway through it.  I’m drinking coffee though which is actually not really appropriate for fasting.

I mentioned recently that I haven’t really experienced any hostility, but a few times people have somewhat swerved at me with cars— not actually to hit me but to apparently try to give me a “scare” or something.  It happened once when I was on my bike some months ago, but it also happened yesterday when I was on my motorcycle, and I “grabbed the brakes” and I almost toppled which would have been horrible.  I was going in the 30’s and I would have been very injured.  Apparently he wanted to scare me or he thought it would be a funny joke or something, but he probably didn’t realize the danger of doing that, especially because I don’t have ABS brakes so if you brake too abruptly the motorcycle will tumble onto the pavement.  I want to get a motorcycle that has such brakes, especially because there is a bit of a heightened danger in my case.

At least it was interesting to experience what happens when I grab the brakes at such as speed.  I did grab them pretty abruptly and I didn’t topple, however the front wheel “skipped” on the pavement once, meaning I was close to that happening.

Some months ago was was riding through an almost empty parking lot at a slow speed in the evening and I was being rather reckless by not riding in the lanes, and suddenly I found myself in front of a car that was coming down a lane, where I grabbed the brakes which caused the motorcycle to topple over landing on top of me.  I wasn’t really injured but I was scraped up.

In a related matter, I should warn people not to ride bikes down the wrong side of the street because traffic isn’t looking in your direction when they pull out.  I was almost creamed by a car once because of that a few months ago and I was lucky that I just made it past the car as it pulled out.  It came to a rolling stop and it quickly accelerated to make sure it got out before an oncoming car was too close.  It missed me by only inches.  I also saw that almost happen to someone who was coming down street toward me.

I’m going to get a GoPro camera soon also, so I can record my rides for safety but also for fun.

Update: April 7, 2024

I’m continuing to wonder about what is happening in the situation.  It is frustrating that the resolution hasn’t happened yet, but from what I can tell most people are positive toward me, and I think some people that appear on the surface to not be positive may actually be positive anyway.  I’ve always assumed that influential people are behind my situation and many people everywhere seem to be cooperating.

I’ve pretty much never experienced any sort of hostility toward me, and in the few times that I have experienced some sort of negativity it has not been anything that is serious at all.

When I’m out and about, from my perspective it is as if I’m looking at the surface of a large lake that I know is full of fish, but only rarely do I see evidence of that, where only occasionally I may see a fin rise above the surface.  And when I do see such a “fin” of a “wink wink nudge nudge,” such people are almost always positive towards me, however sometimes I wonder if in some of those cases of apparent positivity that they actually don’t necessarily feel positive toward me.  Maybe it is a mixture of some of them genuinely feeling positive towards me and some of them not.  In any event they seem to be “going against what influential people are asking people to do” when it comes to the situation.

Despite my never really experiencing any hostility, I do think there are dangers in my situation.  I think there must be a lot of people out in the world who also are upset about the political problems that I’m identifying with my websites, where they are also frustrated that not enough is being done about those things since the resolution continues to not happen.  So I think there theoretically could be some people who might see a benefit in harming me simply to finally get the ball rolling so something will be done about the problems that I’m identifying.  But I think the fact that such a thing has not happened to me up until now is a testament to the influence of the people who are running the situation— where in the meantime most people out there seem to be glad that the word is getting out about such things due to my situation, and many are likely waiting for the resolution to happen where they seem to feel reassured that it is in fact going to happen.

But on the other hand, there must also be people who strongly dislike me, which I think can be broken down into additional categories:

1.  People who genuinely believe that what I’m communicating is not accurate or not relevant.  I believe that many people might initially think that way, but once they look into the information most of them change their mind.  This again is likely a testament to people who are involved in the situation who likely are helping to clarify issues that many people might initially have problems understanding or accepting.

2.  People who realize that my information is accurate but they believe that they would somehow be adversely effected by knowledge of that information becoming more widely known.  I think it is often the case that such people would actually appreciate the information if they knew the bigger picture of the situations rather than only specific superficial facets of it, so here again I think it is a testament to people who are involved in the situation that are likely helping to clarify such issues to such potential people.

3.  Some people likely simply just don’t like me no matter what I’m communicating.  I’m sure that I can be annoyance to some people.  It is a very strange situation.



I have explained in the past that when I was younger I was somewhat “loutish” at times, often to the chagrin of people who I was around.  When I was very young I had a speech impediment that made me think of myself as being somewhat of a loser or whatever, and thus I thought of myself as being rather inconsequential.  Since I didn’t really respect myself much I sometimes didn’t respect others either.  I could be rather insensitive and reckless, but on the other hand I wasn’t really that bad.  For example I had a pellet gun and slingshots during all of my childhood yet I never shot at any animals, etc..  I did have a lot of good qualities also.  I’m fine with identifying the fact that I was sometimes rather loutish, but it pains me that people might try to unfairly project that onto others who I have known as well.  Almost all of the people that I was around were certainly not loutish at all.  This is all a strange topic to talk about, but since my situation is so unique I think I should mention it.

I should also mention a disturbing fact that there are currently apparently some sort of stupid accusations in the situation of me being some sort of a “pedophile” or something.  The reason why I think that is because of how various people including some people that I have never met before have been acting towards me recently.  I definitely think that those people don’t actually think that I’m that way, but rather I think they are being “told” to make such suggestions so that I can address it.  I’m now thinking that perhaps I should have addressed those things immediately here after it recently started happening, as I may have somehow been “expected” to do that.

Anyway, what has been happening recently with that is some people have been making use of children in situations where they are sent in front of me to presumably see how I will react.  In one of the situations that was involving people that I never met the children actually even behaved in a ridiculously provocative way in front of me, with an adult being close that was making it clear that they were filming me with their phone!  Of course there is certainly a danger in my situation of such a scenario being falsely “engineered” by people who don’t like me, but I think it is likely that it is not the real motivation of what has been happening recently, but rather I think those people have been trying to “help” me by warning me that there is such a danger of something like that happening, or perhaps to help prompt the resolution happening soon.

I remember that a few decades ago I made some dumb and crude jokes about that topic a few times, which I think might somehow be ultimately a foundation for the current supposed accusations.  At that time I was more loutish and I was trying to be shocking simply for the sake of ridiculousness and absurdity in an informal environment.

Also I think the current behavior of the people that I have been mentioning stems from a situation that happened some years ago in Pennsylvania, which I never blogged about but I did mention it in correspondence at the time where I was under the assumption that what I was sending was somehow being broadcasted.  (At the time I wasn’t actually directly blogging my thoughts like I do now.) Basically what happened was I was sitting in front of my house, and some kids were milling about across the street going back of forth riding scooters.  Since it was happening right in my line of vision I was watching it, but then I noticed that someone very far in the distance in the park at the bottom of the hill was watching me and apparently filming himself while he was watching some sort of live video on his cellphone and recording himself responding to it, where I noticed that he would actually jump up and down and point and make exclamations whenever I moved my foot, apparently showing that he was trying to imply that my doing that meant that I was some sort of a pedophile or something.  So obviously the kids milling back and forth in front of me were a part of that setup as well.  I’m certain that he thought he was way too far away for me to notice him, and he also apparently thought that he was sufficiently concealed behind the branches of a tree that was in the way.  It seems that those people were doing that with the intent of trying to harm me to neutralize the effectiveness of my communicating about such matters, due to the fact that I think everything that was happening around that time was a high visibility situation in general.  What they were trying to do was incredibly petty, where obviously it was not done out of any genuine concern but rather it was apparently due to some sort of opportunistic vindictiveness that they thought they could get away with, most likely because I insulted one of their sacred cows such as Freemasonry or Michael Jackson or whatever.  I would be surprised if those people’s supposed “concern” about that topic actually extended elsewhere.  It would be very simple to set the record straight about all of that if there was clarity, but since that has not happened yet I’m now trying to do it based only on the point of view of my own perceptions.

Also I should note that one of the situations that happened recently seemed to be designed to reference the Pennsylvania situation, which is another reason why I’m mentioning all of this here now.

Once the resolution happens the issue of such sketchy situations will finally be able to be addressed and rectified.  In my option I believe that people in the situation have already been helping to clarify such issues for me on my behalf in the meantime, since the positivity of what I have been experiencing has generally always been overwhelming.

I hope all is well ..

Update: April 5, 2024

I’ve been keeping busy with things doing a lot of technical configuring with the computers that will be useful.

I bought a new helmet for my motorcycle that is touted as being one of the quietest as far as wind noise is concerned, but I was surprised to find that it does not eliminate it completely even though it is quieter.

This inexpensive device by a company called Headwind really cuts down on the wind noise by a lot, I highly recommend it.  I don’t understand why they don’t list that feature of it first since it does such a good job of that.

Update: April 3, 2024

I’ve been busy working on technical things over the past few days.  It’s been a little while since I’ve updated NOITV but I’m taking care of important things.

I found an issue that I was having with my emails where there was at least a theoretical security risk which was concerning, but the likelihood of there being a problem with that was slight.  Nonetheless it is very disconcerting to me to to never have the ability to answer allegations or rectify issues of miscommunication, etc., which makes me a theoretical target for people to harm me by intentionally misrepresenting me which I would otherwise be able very clarify very easily.  I definitely think the people that I’m in contact with are supporters though, but I need to be careful nonetheless.  I’m looking forward to the resolution happening.

Also I mentioned recently that I will no longer be doing the “timing” thing with my communicating, but since I communicate very rarely I may as well continue with that until the resolution.  I don’t like potentially “insulting people” by sending a message at a neutral or even a negative time, etc.  Once the resolution happens I will certainly stop that timing thing altogether for good though.

I’ve been planning to start fasting again to lose some weight but I’ve been putting it off.  I think I will start dong that again in a day or so.  I usually lose about ten pounds in a week when I do that, so if I do it for a week, and then in the following week eat lighter such as only fruit and vegetables, and then fast again in the week following that I will lose twenty pounds, which is a lot.

I hope all is well.

Update: March 21, 2024

No resolution once more..  It’s a dangerous waste of time to continue as it has been, I hope everything is ok.  At least there are some technical things I can be working on so I’ll be doing that.  Also I’ll be continuing to move articles over and creating new ones.  Things are only getting more crazy in the world.  In the meantime don’t trust anybody who claims that they are organizing things “for me”! I hope all is well.

Update: March 15, 2024

I’ve been moving the newer content from OMR over the NOITV, and it is going well.  I also didn’t bother to wait a week to start growing my beard back, so I’m already pretty stubbly.

Yesterday I was initially under the impression that someone was trying to help me to facilitate the resolution going as smoothly as possible by changing my circumstances in a certain way, but then I realized that what he was saying might have been intended to be some sort of a “test” to see if I would “assert myself” or something like that, which I think he was told to do and he did it with good intentions toward me.  So perhaps there are people out there who are now saying, “Oh, woe is me, he didn’t pass that test, etc..” Not to insult the person who I spoke with who is a nice guy, but the people who are ultimately behind all this are misguided about that, I don’t need to appease them.  I only need to have clarity so the right decisions can be made.  I’ve always been consistent with specifying how the resolution needs to occur, and it really must happen that way in order for things to work out properly for everyone.  I hope it can happen soon.

Update: March 8, 2024

I’ve been working on the computers and NOITV and it is going well.

I got rid of my beard once again today.  I tried doing it last year also but I was so used to it that I thought I looked strange without it so I grew it back right away.  But this time I thought perhaps that was just a temporary psychological thing due to my being used to how it looked, so I will try not having it for a week or so and if I still don’t like it I will grow it back.

I hope all is well..

Update: March 1, 2024

I’ve been working on getting NOITV fully running again, and I will be bringing almost all of the new OMR articles over to it where they will be much more readable and well-organized.  After the resolution happens I will be able to delegate the remote creation of articles with the site.

I’m an expert PHP programmer so I will also be able to delegate continued development tasks as well, but that will not be as big of a priority as getting started with delegating the creation of articles when the time comes.  I hope all is well..

Update: February 18, 2024

I don’t know why the resolution hasn’t happened yet, I’m going to plan my work assuming that it will happen next month.

I’ve made a lot of important articles on OMR over the past few months, and now I will be focusing more on making NOITV fully updatable again and moving the newer articles to that site so they will be much more readable, along with doing some other tasks.

I hope all is well..